Chercheuse, Institut Douglas
reut_dot_gruber_At_douglas_dot_mcgill_dot_ca |
Gruber R. (2010). Sleep. Eat. Perform?, Sleep, 33(11), 1431-1432.
Gruber R. (2010). Sleep. Eat. Perform? Commentary on Beebe et al. The association between sleep disordered breathing, academic grades, and cognitive and behavioral functioning among overweight subjects during middle to late childhood, Sleep, 33(11), 1447-1456. En savoir plus.
Gruber R., Deluca P. (2010). Sleep and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, , 242-251.
Gruber R., Laviolette R., Deluca P., Monson E., Cornish K., Carrier J. (2010). Short sleep duration is associated with poor performance on IQ measures in healthy school-age children, Sleep Med, 11(3), 289-94.
Gruber R., Wiebe S.T., Wells S.A., Cassoff J., Monson E. (2010). Sleep and academic success: mechanisms, empirical evidence, and interventional strategies, Adolesc Med State Art Rev, 21(3), 522-541, x. En savoir plus.