June 07, 2005
Section : News

Alcohol and DUIs: Douglas Hospital’s "Frames of Mind" movies series addresses alcoholism and affective disorders.

May 31, 2005
Section : News

Douglas researcher is awarded Emeritus Professorship.

May 25, 2005
Section : News

Rain Man to launch the 2005 Frames of Mind series.

May 18, 2005
Section : News

Frames of Mind: Douglas Hospital hosts movie series to help demystify mental illnes.

May 02, 2005
Section : News

Musings from the mind: experts at the Douglas Institut address mental health issues.

March 07, 2005
Section : News

Students learn about brains on cocaine, alcohol and ecstasy. The Brain Awareness Week took place in March 2005.

May 14, 2004
Section : News

In 2004, Douglas Hospital Research Centre Invites General Public to Celebrate 25 Years of Innovation in Mental Health.

August 07, 2013
Section : The Douglas

How can you tell if the medications aren’t working?

August 07, 2013
Section : The Douglas

If families initiate treatment, why is it so difficult to involve them in an intervention?

June 25, 2014
Section : Mental Health Info

Are we seeing eating disorders and body image problems in other cultures besides North Americans?