February 12, 2014
Section : Social Media

Opening - Parle-moi d'amour at the Wellington Centre from February 6 to March 13, 2014

March 06, 2013
Section : Social Media

Your host Barry Crago invites you to the closing ceremony of Parle-moi d'amour, March 12, 2013.

March 15, 2012
Section : Social Media

The 2012 "Les Impatients" silent auction closed in an atmosphere of joy and good spirit at the Wellington Centre. The event was presented by Barry Crago, chief of recovery at the Douglas Institute, and Lorraine Palardy, Director of Les Impatients.

May 21, 2015
Section : News

The 4th edition of the exhibit and auction held at the Wellington Centre in support of Les Impatients was a success on every level! The keen interest of all who attended was evident from the event’s opening to the auction held on the final eveni

May 07, 2015
Section : News

Last chance to bid on the artworks created by Les Impatients

April 30, 2015
Section : News

There is no better time or way to purchase works by Les Impatients and such renowned artists as Cooke-Sasseville, Jean-Paul Riopelle

November 05, 2014
Section : News

A stripbook created by Les Impatients gathers 21 scriptwriters and 21 illustrators

October 03, 2014
Section : News

«I was overwhelmed by your artistic and surrealistic look on a life so hard at times»

September 15, 2014
Section : News

The Phoenix Centre, led by psycho-educator Luc Gagnon, exposes the works of its artists.

April 17, 2014
Section : News

Armand Vaillancourt inaugurates a large collective painting by our young patients.