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The Witness of Time by Gilles Vallée is now part of the Douglas sculpture garden collection.
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Verdun "Tip of the hat" for researchers Gustavo Turecki, MD, PhD, and Michael Meaney, PhD
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Les Impatients and the Douglas Mental Health University Institut unveiled today a special workshop space and boutique.
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No doubt you know that the Molson family recently purchased the Montreal Canadiens hockey team. But did you know that we have our very own Molson-related news? It all began a few months ago, when Head of Communications, Stéphanie Lassonde,
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Luz Garcia Zielinski, who was the rehabilitation assistant for the Wellington Centre's Card Workshop from June 2007 to May 2008, spent an amazing year nurturing the talent that surrounded her.
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When Douglas researcher Ellen Corin, PhD, moved from Belgium to Montréal in 1978, she was impressed with Montréalers' tolerance towards marginalized people.
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A born leader, Gaëtane Pitre has it all - smarts, drive, and an unshakeable set of ethics. Rather then heading a company or running for office, she's using her strengths to help people with severe mental illness become as autonomous as possible.
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Mental health experts gather during Mental Illness Awareness Week - Douglas hosts symposium and public debate
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On June 21, 2007 the Douglas Institute Foundation was delighted to unveil artwork by Anne Eaton Parker, donated to the Douglas by Me Maurice Forget, long-time donor and a director of the Institute Foundation.
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The Douglas Hospital is proud to receive Her Excellency, the Honorable Lise Thibault, Lieutenant Governor of Quebec, for the inauguration of three new works in its Sculpture Garden. The sculptures Musical Resonance, Oriental and Embrace, by Quebec art