Section : The Douglas
The interdisciplinary team gathers the expertise of seven researchers and six collaborators from different fields.
Section : The Douglas
The interdisciplinary team gathers the expertise of seven researchers and and six collaborators from different fields.
Section : The Douglas
The current research projects target social integration determinants as well as services and assessment tools.
Section : The Douglas
The Standard Life Centre evaluates the efficacy of different treatments for depression and prevention methods for depression and suicide in Canadian youth
Section : Patient care
This conference is the largest and the most complete conference on this topic held in Canada since the IEPA in 2004.
Section : The Douglas
This is a list of all the publications produced by the CIHR Team in Social and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Section : The Douglas
The Communications Department is available to help members of the media get the best information or data for reports, interviews or documentaries.
Section : Mental Health Info
Mini-Psych School 2012 > Janina Komaroff will talk about stigma and recovery on the first class October 9.
Section : The Douglas
The Douglas Mental Health University Institute offers cutting-edge care and services and advance and share knowledge in mental health.