Section : The Douglas
In 1982, after consultation with the Canadian government, the Director-General of WHO designates the Douglas Mental Health University Institute as the first Collaborating Centre for research and training in mental health in Canada.
Section : The Douglas
The Montreal WHO/PAHO Collaborating Centre: Striving to improve access to mental health care around the world.
Section : News
Douglas-based WHO collaborating centre, a strong player in global and international mental health activities.
Section : News
French delegation visits the Collaborating Centre
Section : News
The WHO/PAHO Collaborating Centre is involved in a collaborative study on mental health in the workplace with experts from Barcelona (Spain). As part of this project, two Catalan experts participated to a colloquium at the Douglas. Professor Luis Salvador, from Girona, talked about depressio[...]
Section : News
The Montreal WHO/PAHO Collaborating Centre has been mandated to do a mental health reconnaissance mission in Haiti.
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WHO Collaborating Centre gets the Prix rayonnement international.
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The Montreal WHO/ PAHO Collaborating Centre, directed by Gaston Harnois MD, received the Prix rayonnement international for its Atlas-ID project. The Atlas maps the resources and services available for people with intellectual disabilities in 147 coun
Section : News
WHO Collaborating Centre helps psychiatric nurses in Belize.
Section : News
Mental Health Services in Dominica: Encouraging Developments