Section : News
Between May 19 and September 30 of each year, the Douglas Institute prepares in case of a high or extreme heat wave, by instating a level of « Seasonal » Watch.
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LaSalle Blvd. between Richard and Sénécal streets in Lasalle will be closed during the Verdun Triathlon, August 9th, between 6:00 am and 2:00 pm.
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Our darling little pug Victor has decided to retire from pet therapy.
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A team from the Douglas will tallk prevention in Washington.
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Montreal Homelessness Count led by the Douglas's Eric Latimer finds 3,016 homeless people in city. Congratulations to the whole team for a job well done.
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The prestigious magazine publishes research scientist Williams new work.
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A new study published by the team of Naguib Mechawar sheds enven more light on depression.
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A few weeks ago at the Douglas Institute, members of the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQ-S) gave aperfect mark to the collective activities of the Research Centre. The arrival of researcher Brigitte Kieffer as the Centre’s
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Dr Rosa-Neto's work is among projects awarded new funds by CQDM, Brain Canada and the Ontario Brain Institute (OBI).
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On may 25th, La Presse's Marie-Claude Malboeuf published an in-depth piece on stress during pregnancy with Douglas scientists.