Section : Mental Health Info
Is it best to confront the patient about his delusions or to play along with him?
Section : Mental Health Info
What are the best ways to help a person cope with their symptoms?
Section : Mental Health Info
What is the relationship between marijuana use and bipolar disorder?
Section : Mental Health Info
Can an individual with psychotic tendencies get better?
Section : Mental Health Info
What are the new forms of psychotherapy for psychotic patients?
Section : Mental Health Info
Ritalin and children > Worried parents asked our expert if physicians were prescribing Ritalin as a quick fix for children who don't even have ADHD?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is it possible to diagnose an 8-year-old child with schizophrenia? Can schizophrenia be detected in children? And if so, how might the treatment of a schizophrenic child differ from that of an adult?
Section : Mental Health Info
I've read that patients suffering from schizophrenia have high levels of dopamine. Are high dopamine levels the cause of schizophrenia or a consequence?
Section : Mental Health Info
moi je voudrais dire que jai un fils bipolaire tout ce que je pouvais faire pour lui ses d'écouter a chaque fois quil en avais besoin ont pouvais parler des heures au téléphone sa na pas d'importance le temps mais a chanque quil m'apellais il avais toujour de la peine et il ne savais pas pourqu[...]