Section : The Douglas
The Douglas – Bell Canada Brain Bank has almost 3000 human brain specimens. Established in 1980, it is the oldest brain bank in Canada, and one of the two largest reserves of autopsied brains in the country.
Section : The Douglas
The quality of cerebral tissues that come from the Douglas – Bell Canada Brain Bank has enabled many scientists throughout the world to discover new data that has helped improve treatment of various brain diseases.
Section : Research
Naguib Mechawar identifies the neurochemical and neuroanatomical properties of major depression and suicidal behaviors in the brain.
Section : Social Media
Two people explain why they decided to donate their brain.
Section : Social Media
Bell Canada donates $2 million to upgrade and expand Douglas Institute Brain Bank
Section : Social Media
The brain is a magnificent complex organ, and many key questions about its function remain unanswered. A class by Véronique Bohbot.
Section : News
Early life adversity affects broad regions of brain DNA in both rodents and humans.
Section : News
Clocks in the human brain > Twenty-four hour cycles, known as circadian rhythms, are important for normal brain function and mental health.
Section : News
In April, Naguib Mechawar, PhD, Director of the Quebec Brain Bank, took part in a report that aired on Daily Planet, the daily science show of Discovery Channel Canada. The Daily Planet team came to Montreal to film at the Douglas Institute. The r
Section : News
Douglas Institute for the second time at Festival Eurêka!, June 11 to 13, 2010.