September 28, 2005
Section : News

Sweet Dreams: Sending ADHD Children Back to Bed.

August 29, 2005
Section : News

From bullying to drug addiction Douglas experts discuss how to successfully survive the fall.

May 02, 2005
Section : News

Musings from the mind: experts at the Douglas Institut address mental health issues.

April 21, 2005
Section : News

Baby steps: Researchers at Douglas Hospital look at infant brain development

January 14, 2005
Section : News

After Basic Needs are Met: Psychological Help Vital for 2004 Tsunami Survivors

August 28, 2003
Section : News

In 2003, Douglas Hospital Partners with Montreal Neurological Institute to open Its Brain Imaging Group.

June 10, 2014
Section : Mental Health Info

What do you think about melatonin replacement therapy for sleep problems?

November 03, 2011
Section : Mental Health Info

My son was diagnosed with inattentive-type ADHD in Grade 2, which was then confirmed in Grade 9. Recently, at 22, he was diagnosed as bipolar. Was the original diagnosis incorrect?

November 03, 2011
Section : Mental Health Info

Has TV andor video games led to an increase in ADHD?

October 27, 2011
Section : Mental Health Info

How do you know whether someone really has ADHD and not some other kind of psychological distress or family problems?