Section : The Douglas
Program of the International Conference on the internet and mental health organized at the Douglas Institute.
Section : The Douglas
The International Conference on the Use of the Internet in Mental Health took place from May 14 to May 16, 2009.
Section : The Douglas
The organizing committee of the International conference on the Internet and Mental Health.
April 06, 2010
Section : The Douglas
Directed by Michel Perreault, PhD, this research group is conducting a study on obstacles to treatment for individuals with anxiety disorders.
Section : Research
Alain Brunet, PhD, studies risk factors and develops effective treatments for PTSD, such as early intervention and reconsolidation blockade.
Section : Social Media
Alain Brunet, PhD, presided the International Conference on the use of the Internet in mental health, May 14 to 16, 2009.
Section : Social Media
Michelle Blanc, a specialist in Web marketing, talks about her struggle with mental illness and the support her blog gave her.
Section : News
New web site for the Douglas Institute Foundation
Section : News
The Internet and research on anxiety: An excellent combination.
Section : News
Mental health experts from around the world go from "on-line" to "in person" in Montreal!