Section : Patient care
The Child Psychiatry Program at the Douglas Institute offers a range of bilingual services to youth aged 0 to 17 years and their families.
Section : Social Media
Creation of the Standard Life Centre for Breakthroughs in Teen Depression and Suicide Prevention
Section : News
Douglas study evaluates beneficial properties of green and black teas Tea may be more than a trendy coffee alternative, according to researchers at the Douglas Hospital Research Centre (DHRC). Their findings, published in a recent issue of the Eur
Section : News
Your Generosity Helped Build a Youth Information Centre.
Section : News
Young patient thank the Douglas Institute Foundation and the Gustav Levinschi Foundation for the newly built Stearns Gazebo.
Section : News
Teen Depression and Suicide Prevention > Standard Life gives 1 million $ for a new research centre.
Section : News
Lynne McVey gave the keynote speech on student mental health during the annual joint Board-Senate meeting at McGill University
Section : Patient care
Provides psychosocial, rehabilitation and social integration services; Ensures the provision of services related to child placement, adoption, adoption disclosure, reunification, expertise to the Superior Court and mediation. Batshaw Centres services are provided to the residents of the island of Montreal who wish to receive them in English and to the Jewish community of Montreal, in either English or French.
Section : Patient care
24/7. Crisis centre, support. Mandate : guarantees protection of youth when their safety or development is compromised, helps youth (including young mothers) with trouble adapting, by helping them find the capabilities and balance necessary to function in their milieu, helps youth who commit offenses to stop their delinquent acts and take responsibility for their actions within (face) society. Languages: French and English.
Section : The Douglas
André Delorme et Didier Jutras-Aswad sont les conférenciers vedette de la journée