Section : The Douglas
The Douglas Mental Health University Institute is seriously committed to the protection of your privacy. The Douglas wants to ensure that you are well informed about our privacy policy with regard to the collection and use of all personal information that you provide to us.
Section : Mental Health Info
What happens when a person suffering from a mental disorder poses a danger to themselves or others?
Section : The Douglas
The content of these sites (including the experts' blogs) is strictly informative in nature and in no way replaces diagnosis, assessment, treatment or follow-up that can only be provided by a health professional.
Section : The Douglas
The lab is interested in the effects of stress on the aging process and in individual differences in stress responsivity.
Section : The Douglas
The team is studying the determinants of psychological distress in 258,000 residents of southwest Montreal, in order to optimize mental health services in the community.
Section : The Douglas
Through research at PEPP, patients benefit from new knowledge, resulting in state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment methods for the early stages of psychosis
Section : The Douglas
2009 Prix Coup de cœur de l'Association québécoise d'établissements de santé et services sociaux (AQESSS) Special Jury Award in recognition of its public education program Communications
Section : Mental Health Info
Find out what causes bipolar disorders and watch video presentations from experts
Section : Mental Health Info
Advice for the family of people suffering from Bipolar Disorders.
Section : Mental Health Info
Information to better understand the recent tragedy at Charlie Hebdo's magazine in Paris and how psychological reactions can manifest themselves after a traumatic event.