Section : The Douglas
Directed by Antoine Adamantidis, the Tidis lab aims at understanding the dynamics of neural circuits that control the sleep-wake cycle in the mammalian brain.
Section : Research
Natasha Rajah, nvestigates how memory retrieval works in healthy young adults, and how it is affected by aging.
Section : News
The 2010 Douglas Institute research teams who were awarded grants from NSERC to pursue work in their respective fields of expertise.
Section : News
Researchers identify area of brain where social memories are stored.
Section : The Douglas
Team members of the Brain Imaging Centre, directed by Natasha Rajah, PhD
Section : The Douglas
According to the National Institute of Mental Health (USA), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can develop after an exposure to a terrifying event.
Section : The Douglas
Directed by Alain Brunet, PhD, this research laboratory studies the impact of traumatic events.
Section : The Douglas
Directed by Véronique Bohbot, PhD, the laboratory focuses on the multiple brain areas involved in processing episodic memories (spatio-temporal information) during navigation.
Section : Mental Health Info
People with Attention Deficit Disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD) struggle to focus, sit still, or restrain their impulses.
Section : Mental Health Info
Depression is more than just a fleeting emotion. This illness hampers a person's daily functioning, negatively impacting their physical health. However, in most cases depression is treatable.