Section : News
Douglas researcher makes Macleans’ Honour roll and La Presse’s Personality of the Week
Section : News
Montreal, February 2, 2006 – What if you had a nightmare that you couldn’t shake? What if it haunted not only your dreams but also your waking hours? For people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), this waking nightmare follows them
Section : News
Individuals living with PTSD typically have disturbing intrusive memories, flashbacks, and/or nightmares of the event.
Section : Mental Health Info
What is the difference between normal memory loss and predictive memory loss?
Section : Mental Health Info
What can I do to help someone who has had a car accident, and who seems okay but who is affected by insomnia?
Section : Mental Health Info
When someone takes leave from work because of harassment, is it a good idea for the person to return to same workplace?
Section : Mental Health Info
I have always suffered from generalized anxiety, including the fear of heights. What should I do if I am anxious 80% of the time?
Section : Mental Health Info
What about propanolol for treating anxiety?
Section : Mental Health Info
How do people die from Alzheimer's Disease?
Section : Social Media