Section : Social Media
What's New about Eating Disorders: a 2009 lecture by Howard Steiger – Part 1
Section : Social Media
How Blue Is Blue? A 2009 lecture by Camillo Zacchia on depression and burnout - Part 1
Section : Social Media
A 2007 lecture by Howard Steiger, PhD, on eating disorders (in French).
Section : News
La troisième conférence internationale sur la santé mentale des jeunes organisée par l’International Association of Youth Mental Health (IAYMH) aura lieu à Montréal du 8 au 10 octobre 2015.
Section : News
In a opinion letter, Dr. David Bloom clarifies this treatment which aims to restore the patient's autonomy.
Section : News
The 4th edition of the exhibit and auction held at the Wellington Centre in support of Les Impatients was a success on every level! The keen interest of all who attended was evident from the event’s opening to the auction held on the final eveni
Section : News
The 5/30 Challenge is as popular as ever. Once again this year, the Douglas Institute is one of the organizations supporting the Challenge.
Section : News
A new study sheds light on the mechanisms of internal clocks.
Section : News
Les chefs de psychiatrie des trois instituts universitaires en santé mentale du Québec déposent un mémoire commun à la Commission parlementaire
Section : News
The Douglas Institute’s Vasavan Nair's got an award for his work by the Canadian Psychiatric Association.