May 09, 2013
Section : Social Media

For a long time, our way of addressing mental health problems has fed prejudice. This behaviour has made recovery more difficult for people with mental health problems. This course gives us new ways of looking at mental illness that fights stigmatization. Watch other Mini-Psych School presentations at

June 11, 2010
Section : Social Media

Howard Steiger, PhD, Director, Eating Disorders Program at the Douglas Institute gives a lecture during the 2009 Mini-Psych School. He talks about : New perspectives on what causes EDs Latest concepts of treatment Part 1 of 2. Watch part 2 at

June 11, 2010
Section : Social Media

Ridha Joober, MD, PhD, Researcher and Director of the Schizophrenia and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research at the Douglas Institute, gives an update on schizophrenia during the 2009 Mini-Psych School. He talks about : Genetic factors Environmental factors Who is at risk Neurochemistry of the brain The new neuroleptics Clinical case Part 1 of 2. Watch Part 2 at:

June 07, 2010
Section : Social Media

Serge Beaulieu, MD, PhD, FRCPC, Researcher and Medical Chief of the Mood, Anxiety and Impulsivity Disorders Program, and Medical Chief of the Bipolar Disorders Program at the Douglas Institute, explores the myths and misconceptions about bipolar disorders in this 2009 Mini-Psych school lecture. * We can diagnose bipolar disorders with a simple blood test. * Bipolar Disorders get worse with time * Bipolar Disorder is not a disease * Preventive treatments are not available for ...

May 31, 2010
Section : Social Media

Camillo Zacchia, PhD, Professional Chief of Psychology, Douglas Institute, gives a lecture on depression during the 2009 Mini-Psych School. Exploring moods Brief review of the diagnosis of depression as a mental illness Understanding the role of our brains Understanding the role of circumstances Understanding how our personalities interact with our experiences Exploring stress Exploration of treatment principles Part 1 of 2. Watch Part 2 at:

May 21, 2010
Section : Social Media

Joseph Rochford, PhD, Director of Academic Affairs of the Research Centre, at the Douglas Institute, talks about the most recurrent preconceived ideas about mental illness in this 2009 Mini-Psych school lecture : •Mental illness is a single, rare disorder •the mentally ill are insane •If you are diagnosed with a mental illness, kiss your chances of a brilliant career goodbye •The mentally ill are more violent •Mental illnesses are not true medical illnesses like heart disease and diabetes •If...

January 06, 2010
Section : Social Media

Judes Poirier, PhD, gives a lecture on aging, the causes, risk factors, and emerging therapies during the 2006 Mini-Psych School

September 02, 2009
Section : Social Media

Des participants à l'École Mini Psy du Douglas racontent pourquoi cette expérience fut bénéfique pour eux. Participants of the Douglas Mini-Psych School tell us what they took out from the classes. (in French)

September 01, 2009
Section : Social Media

Joseph Rochford, PhD, Director of Academic Affairs at the Douglas Institute, unveils the truth about mental illness. Joseph Rochford is hosting the 4th edition of Mini-Psych School. Find out more at « École Mini Psy 2009 - La maladie mentale : Mythes et réalité» Joseph Rochford, Ph.D., Directeur des affaires académiques au Centre de recherche de l'Institut Douglas, dévoile la vérité sur les maladies mentales. Joseph Rochford présentera la 4ème édition de ...

April 14, 2009
Section : Social Media

Pour une deuxième année consécutive, la session de cours en français de l'École Mini Psy de l'Institut Douglas sera diffusée à Canal Savoir. Les cours, captés l'automne dernier, seront en ondes à partir du 13 avril 2009. For a second consecutive year, the Douglas Institute's Mini-Psych School, held in French, will air on Canal Savoir. The lectures (in French), recorded last fall, will be broadcast starting April 13.