Section : News
Alcohol and DUIs: Douglas Hospital’s "Frames of Mind" movies series addresses alcoholism and affective disorders.
Section : News
Frames of Mind: Douglas Hospital hosts movie series to help demystify mental illnes.
Section : News
Assisting Guatemala in the area of mental health.
Section : News
In 2004, Douglas Hospital Research Centre Invites General Public to Celebrate 25 Years of Innovation in Mental Health.
Section : News
In 2003, Douglas Hospital Partners with Montreal Neurological Institute to open Its Brain Imaging Group.
Section : News
In May 2003, first-of-Its-kind Canadian Suicide Research Facility opens at Douglas Hospital
Section : The Douglas
Is it possible that the new hospital may not be built?
Section : The Douglas
Why not create the new hospital in the existing buildings?
Section : The Douglas
Does the Douglas have a legal obligation to consult the public about its modernization project?
Section : Mental Health Info
Why do anxiety disorders seem much more prevalent today than twenty years ago?