August 04, 2015
Section : News

Understanding the molecular mechanism leading to addiction in humans

June 11, 2015
Section : News

The prestigious magazine publishes research scientist Williams new work.

June 02, 2015
Section : News

 A new study published by the team of Naguib Mechawar sheds enven more light on depression.

May 21, 2015
Section : News

A new study published by the team of Naguib Mechawar sheds light on the mecanism of depression.

May 20, 2015
Section : News

A new Douglas study gives insight on the affect of  intensive action video gaming on the brain.

May 13, 2015
Section : News

New work by the Douglas Mental Health University Institute Mallar Chakravarty sheds light on the links between the shape of the hippocampus and memory function.

March 31, 2015
Section : News

Mr. Benoit Morin is the President and CEO of the new CIUSSS and the head Office will be located in Pointe-Claire.

February 21, 2015
Section : News

Might living a structured life with regularly established meal times  lead to a better life and perhaps even prevent the onset of mental illness?

January 16, 2015
Section : News

A new study sheds light on the mechanisms of internal clocks.

January 05, 2015
Section : News

Dr. Serge Gauthier, M.D., FRCPC, an eminent researcher in Alzheimer’s disease, has been appointed to the Order of Canada.