Section : News
Douglas joins guideline campaign for fashion industry Montreal.
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The Douglas’ Scientific Director, Rémi Quirion recently participated in the prestigious Raymond and Beverly Sackler Visiting Lectureship at the University of Toronto. His talk ‘Toward the characterization of novel memory genes&rsquo
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We take great pleasure in announcing that Jean-Bernard Trudeau, MD, director of Professional and Hospital Services at the Douglas received the 2006 Hector L. Bertrand Award on September 21 by the Association des cadres supérieurs de la sant&eac
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Douglas researcher makes Macleans’ Honour roll and La Presse’s Personality of the Week
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Students learn about brains on cocaine, alcohol and ecstasy. The Brain Awareness Week took place in March 2005.
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Highest Honor Bestowed By Quebec Government in Biomedical Science Awarded to Rémi Quirion, Scientific Director of the Douglas Hospital Research Centre.
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In 2004, Douglas Hospital Research Centre Invites General Public to Celebrate 25 Years of Innovation in Mental Health.
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In May 2003, Douglas Hospital honours eminent psychiatrist, Dr. Charles H. Cahn,for 52 years of dedicated service.
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Genetic findings in anorexia and bulimia: genetic predisposition and external variables play an important role.
December 07, 2014
Section : Social Media
Le 7 février vous êtes tous invités au vernissage de la deuxième édition de ll’expo-encan des Impatients au Centre Wellington. Les Impatients exposent les oeuvres de patients et professionnels sans distinction. ARTHE mon collectif d’artistes a soumis 8 oeuvres cette année dont deux des miennes. C’est l’occasion d’acheter des oeuvres originales à bons prix et [...]