July 30, 2012
Section : News

Michael Meaney won the 2012 Fondation IPSEN International Prize in Neuronal Plasticity. The judges found Michael Meaney’s work in the area of epigenetics and brain function outstanding. The honor is shared with two other prominent scientists, D

July 24, 2012
Section : News

Wellington Centre > Its mission is to have users actively participate in their own journey towards recovery, with the help of peer experts.

July 05, 2012
Section : News

The Quebec Charter for a Healthy and Diverse Body Image > Two and a half years after its inception,  it is shaping public perception.

May 15, 2012
Section : News

Brain Imaging Centre > Inaugurated May 14, this is the first brain imaging centre in Quebec dedicated to psychiatry and mental health.

April 17, 2012
Section : News

New Career section > A new tool allows you to easily do a job search by either job category or by date.

April 13, 2012
Section : News

Hubert-Reeves Award > Judes Poirier and Serge Gauthier are awarded for their book on Alzheimer's disease geared toward the general public.

February 14, 2012
Section : News

Michael Meaney, neuroscientist at the Douglas Institute, receives the Order of Canada

February 01, 2012
Section : News

Brain Bank > Bell Canada donates $2 million to upgrade and expand Douglas Institute Brain Bank

January 30, 2012
Section : News

Prenatal maternal stress > New data will lead to a better understanding of its impact on mothers-to-be and their fetuses

January 26, 2012
Section : News

Major funding announcement for the Douglas Institute Brain Bank