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Douglas offers new comprehensive depressive disorders program Verdun, February 8, 2006 – We all get bouts of the blues, but for some this is more serious and severe. Some of us are clinically depressed and affected by a lifelong mood disorde
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The Douglas Hospital Foundation, in partnership with Pfizer Canada Inc., awards the Heinz Lehmann Award to Nicolas Cermakian, PhD, a Douglas Hospital Research Centre investigator and assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at McGill Univer
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Clinical staff and researchers who enjoyed the 2002-4 Research Forum Series will be pleased to hear that it has been revived…and updated. Starting in March 2006, the Case Studies Forum Series will be launched in Douglas Hall with the first pr
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An exciting research project is being launched, involving the use of the Care and Service Coordination Model by the CPC2 and Burgess 1 interdisciplinary teams. This is a joint initiative by our Nursing Directorate, Adult Psychiatry Division and exte
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Douglas Hospital experts discuss how to keep your mind healthy during the season
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Quebec-led research receives $1.5 million funding boost Montréal, December 7, 2005 – Most mental illnesses are not as physically obvious as obesity, diabetes, or cancer, but they can be as debilitating. Approximately, one in five Canadia
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Douglas researchers look at link Having trouble remembering where you put the keys, or your phone number? You may be one of the 300 000 Canadians diagnosed with Alzheimer disease – a progressive, degenerative brain disorder that leaves patie
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Douglas Researchers pack their bags Scientists leave for DC to present newest findings at eminent international conference Verdun, November 8, 2005 – Almost one third of Douglas researchers are packing their bags and heading off to Washing
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Boo! Feeling scared? Douglas researchers study the “fear factor”.
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Falling back, good for the brain? Douglas researchers look at time change.