Section : Mental Health Info
A teenager who has a depressive episode with suicidal thoughts claims to be feeling better a few weeks later. Should this person still go for psychotherapy?
Section : Mental Health Info
My son was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and my daughter, who is expecting a baby, is worried about the baby’s mental health. Are there signs or symptoms that we need to watch out for?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is it beneficial or traumatic to send young children to day care away from their parents?
Section : Mental Health Info
What is the cause of post-partum disorder or depression and can someone completely recover from it?
Section : Mental Health Info
How does divorce impact small children?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is it possible for depression or anxiety to disappear and then resurface later in life?
Section : Mental Health Info
Are suicide risk assessments conducted on patients admitted for depression?
Section : Mental Health Info
How do I know if my teenager is depressed or just going through a bad time?
Section : Mental Health Info
What are some causes of depression?
Section : Mental Health Info
If depression is partly due to brain chemistry, do people need to take medication their entire lives?