November 11, 2008
Section : News

The Douglas Institute recently inaugurated its new Neurophenotyping Centre.

September 29, 2008
Section : News

Out of the mouths of … patients! What could be better than a first-hand testimonial to help us understand what it is to live, day in and day out, with a mental illness? Before 150 guests who attended the Douglas Mental Health Institute Foun

August 13, 2008
Section : News

Ice Storm Babies: Where are they now? Douglas’ researchers assess their development at 5 ½ years of age.

August 12, 2008
Section : News

From Innovations to Practice: Bringing Recovery to Douglas Institute

July 22, 2008
Section : News

Early diagnosis of Alzheimer?s disease - New criteria ready to be validated

June 27, 2008
Section : News

Last week, Dr. Yves Bolduc was named Philippe Couillard’s successor as Minister of Health and Social Services in Quebec. On behalf of the Douglas Institute, I welcome him to his new position. We are confident that we will be able to count on

May 28, 2008
Section : News

Where would Denise and I be without all of you? A testimonial about the Moe Levin Centre

May 20, 2008
Section : News

When Douglas researcher Ellen Corin, PhD, moved from Belgium to Montréal in 1978, she was impressed with Montréalers' tolerance towards marginalized people.

May 09, 2008
Section : News

Health researchers in McGill network - Douglas gets $7.3 million

April 10, 2008
Section : News

Le Banquier's Winner Inspires the Business Community.