July 30, 2013
Section : News

Statistics Canada’s innovative health measures survey arrives at the Douglas

December 19, 2012
Section : News

Impaired melatonin secretion may play a role in premenstrual syndrome

December 06, 2012
Section : News

Researchers find new genetic pathway behind neurodevelopmental disorders

October 12, 2012
Section : News

Early life adversity affects broad regions of brain DNA in both rodents and humans.

August 06, 2012
Section : News

Effects of child abuse  > Researchers are exploring the effects of child abuse on the brain and on suicidal tendency.

February 01, 2012
Section : News

Brain Bank > Bell Canada donates $2 million to upgrade and expand Douglas Institute Brain Bank

January 30, 2012
Section : News

Prenatal maternal stress > New data will lead to a better understanding of its impact on mothers-to-be and their fetuses

April 28, 2011
Section : News

Clocks in the human brain > Twenty-four hour cycles, known as circadian rhythms, are important for normal brain function and mental health.

May 13, 2010
Section : News

The 2010 Douglas Institute research teams who were awarded grants from NSERC to pursue work in their respective fields of expertise.

February 23, 2009
Section : News

Study confirms effects of early environment in brains of suicide victims McGill University and Douglas Institute scientists have discovered that childhood trauma can actually alter your DNA and shape the way your genes work. This confirms in human