March 24, 2014
Section : News

Parle-moi d’amour at the Wellington Centre raised $ 13,720

March 20, 2014
Section : News

Lynne McVey talks about mental health and litterature

February 04, 2014
Section : News

$ 9,8 million awarded to the Douglas Institute for the creation of a centre specializing in research on depression and suicide

December 17, 2013
Section : News

 Discovery of “teen gene” could hold promise for combating severe mental illnesses

November 18, 2013
Section : News

Health minister Réjean Hébert awards prestigious 2013 Prix Persillier-Lachapelle to Dr. Mimi Israël

November 12, 2013
Section : News

Salah El Mestikawy received $1.5 million to explore the dual signalling capacity of neurons

September 23, 2013
Section : News

This donation, one of the largest ever in mental health, will go towards creating a centre for neuroinformatics and mental health.

September 06, 2013
Section : News

The Douglas to launch the second phase of its Lean project

April 10, 2013
Section : News

The Douglas has received the 2013 internal communications award of the Association québécoise d'établissements de santé et de services sociaux (AQESSS)

April 03, 2013
Section : News

The Douglas is the first mental health institution to receive this certification