March 13, 2014
Section : News

Lack of sleep in young people: three institutions sound the alarm

November 26, 2013
Section : News

Lynne McVey gave the keynote speech on student mental health during the annual joint Board-Senate meeting at McGill University

November 18, 2013
Section : News

Health minister Réjean Hébert awards prestigious 2013 Prix Persillier-Lachapelle to Dr. Mimi Israël

September 20, 2013
Section : News

Whether in class or via live Web broadcast, every Tuesdays from October 29 to November 19, come talk about women's mental health.

September 17, 2013
Section : News

McGill academic health network affirms belief in freedom to express faith

June 05, 2013
Section : News

Douglas experts give an update on the latest research

April 03, 2013
Section : News

The Douglas is the first mental health institution to receive this certification

October 15, 2012
Section : News

Thirty minutes more sleep makes for “cooler-headed” children

October 08, 2012
Section : News

Nomination > Dr. Suzane Renaud was inaugurated as President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association.

September 06, 2012
Section : News

Mini-Psych School 2012 – Gaining the Power to Understand, Prevent and Help