February 14, 2008
Section : News

First Canadian study to examine mental health among armed forces and barriers to help Mental disorders ranging from depression to alcoholism.

February 13, 2008
Section : News

Il est bien reconnu que le travail joue un rôle important dans le rétablissement des personnes qui ont des troubles mentaux graves.

February 04, 2008
Section : News

The Institute's Foundation will soon be hosting its Benefit Evening "Open Minds", which was known last year as the "Wine-tasting Dinner". This year will also be an occasion for the attendees to taste new wines! The 11th edition

January 08, 2008
Section : News

Douglas researchers in Aging and Alzheimer's Disease.

December 18, 2007
Section : News

Sleep Initiative -Standard Life Contributes to Further Study and Better Treatments Through Sleep Disorders Research

December 13, 2007
Section : News

ACT Team: Celebrating 10 Years of Assertive Community Treatment!

December 12, 2007
Section : News

Wellington Centre Hires a Peer Helper

October 25, 2007
Section : News

An agreement between Yale University’s Program for Recovery and Community Health, the Douglas Mental Health University Institute and McGill University will be signed on October 30. This collaboration will involve the sharing of expertise, knowle Recovery from mental illness: New agreement with Yale will promote knowledge exchange

October 11, 2007
Section : News

Drawing from a deep well of cheerfulness and determination, Cathy Viberg has fought stigma for 31 years - both as a Douglas nurse and a volunteer. Although Cathy retired in August this year as clinical- administrative chief for the CPC3 Intensive Rehabilitation Unit, her legacy is one of wh[...]

September 25, 2007
Section : News

How stress shuts down your brain: Douglas researchers examine new role of hippocampus