Section : The Douglas
The aims of the studies on suicide among aboriginal people by the MGSS.
Section : The Douglas
The team is studying the determinants of psychological distress in 258,000 residents of southwest Montreal, in order to optimize mental health services in the community.
Section : The Douglas
The research team led by Serge Beaulieu, MD, PhD, FRCPC is interested in the biological and environmental factors of bipolar disorders.
Section : The Douglas
2009 Prix Coup de cœur de l'Association québécoise d'établissements de santé et services sociaux (AQESSS) Special Jury Award in recognition of its public education program Communications
Section : Patient care
The Program for Dementia with Psychiatric Comorbidity (PDCP) provides superspecialized care to people of all ages who have mild to severe cognitive impairments combined with psychiatric or behavioural disorders.
Section : Patient care
The Intensive Intervention Program provides diagnostic and super specialized services in mental health to youth aged 13 to 17 years who do not adequately respond to treatment.
Section : Mental Health Info
Mental Illness: The Facts and the Fiction The theme of the 2009 Session of Mini-Psych is Mental Illness: The Facts and the Fiction. Each of the 6 classes given by an expert from the Douglas Institute is exploring the
Section : Education
Fellowships provide support for senior residents who wish to add to their experience by engaging in mental health research and related activities in the Institute. Candidacy must be approved by the Chair of Psychiatry.
Section : Research
Eduardo Chachamovich’s work focuses mainly on social and clinical determinants of mental health in Aboriginal populations.
Section : Research
The research of Myra Piat focuses on housing for persons with serious mental illness and recovery from serious mental illness.