November 11, 2008
Section : News

The Douglas Institute recently inaugurated its new Neurophenotyping Centre.

April 24, 2008
Section : News

Beaucoup d'encre a coulé et coule encore au Québec pour discuter des mérites de la privatisation comme levier pour améliorer l'accès aux services publics de santé et leur qualité.

March 26, 2008
Section : News

Le soutien à l'emploi régulier pour les personnes qui ont des troubles mentaux graves: traitement ou réadaptation?

March 07, 2008
Section : News

Douglas Educator Janet Komarnicka has devoted the last thirty years caring for patients with severe mental illness.

March 07, 2008
Section : News

The Douglas protocol on the Use of Control Measures has been recently updated, based on the Institute’s changing needs.

February 13, 2008
Section : News

Il est bien reconnu que le travail joue un rôle important dans le rétablissement des personnes qui ont des troubles mentaux graves.

January 31, 2008
Section : News

Chronicle of a fact foretold: The increase in antidepressant prescriptions There were reports in the media recently about the increase in antidepressant prescriptions over the last decade. Since 2000, this number has more than doubled. Many he

January 22, 2008
Section : News

Premières observations sur le système de santé mentale en Angleterre

December 13, 2007
Section : News

ACT Team: Celebrating 10 Years of Assertive Community Treatment!

December 13, 2007
Section : News

A born leader, Gaëtane Pitre has it all - smarts, drive, and an unshakeable set of ethics. Rather then heading a company or running for office, she's using her strengths to help people with severe mental illness become as autonomous as possible.