June 25, 2015
Section : The Douglas

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April 02, 2012
Section : The Douglas

Douglas Institute address and emergency

September 29, 2009
Section : Research

Mimi Israël is active in eating disorders, affective disorders, crisis intervention, emergency psychiatry and mental health care service organization.

February 16, 2025
Section : News

As the Holidays approach, the healthcare and social services establishments across Montréal are pulling together to remind the public of tips to use, of the resources available in the community, and of the steps to follow before going to a hospital em

January 01, 2015
Section : News

January 01, 2015
Section : News

February 19, 2008
Section : News

Ce dimanche dernier (le 17 février), The Observer (la version du dimanche du Guardian, un des journaux les mieux cotés en Angleterre) rapportait en première page : "Scandal of patients left for hours outside A & E".

March 07, 2008
Section : News

The Douglas protocol on the Use of Control Measures has been recently updated, based on the Institute’s changing needs.

May 20, 2008
Section : News

On October 14, 2007, the Douglas opened its first Brief Intervention Unit.