March 10, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

Information to better understand the recent tragedy at Charlie Hebdo's magazine in Paris and how psychological reactions can manifest themselves after a traumatic event.

February 26, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

Alzheimer's Disease : Causes, symptoms and evolution

April 22, 2010
Section : The Douglas

Research at the Eating Disorders Program addresses various aspects of the phenomenology, etiology, and treatment of eating disorders in the spectrum of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

September 29, 2009
Section : Research

Jorge Armony, PhD conducts research on how the brain detects danger stimuli and how it interacts with consciousness and memory.

March 09, 2010
Section : Research

Researchers examining the “Mood, Anxiety, and Impulsivity-related Disorders” theme are aiming to identify the genetic , psychological, neurobiological and environmental causes of most mood disorders and testing the most effective treatments. Their main focus is on: Depression Bipolar disorder Personality disorders Post-traumatic stress disorder Eating disorders Substance dependence, e.g. drug or alcohol Suicide Identifying risk factors and responding ef...

October 31, 2013
Section : News

Véronique Bohbot, PhD, establishes direct link between stimulus-response learning and alcohol, tobacco and drug abuse

June 01, 2013
Section : News

Different forms of early childhood trauma can increase the risk for mental illness in adulthood.

April 29, 2010
Section : News

Maryse Gagnon, an engaged journalist, adresses taboos in a sensitive and respectful way.

January 15, 2010
Section : News

Michael Meaney, Moshe Szyf and Gustavo Turecki honoured for their work in epigenetics.

October 22, 2009
Section : News

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