Section : Mental Health Info
It is estimated that up to 20 percent of Canadian children and youth may be affected by mental illness.
Section : The Douglas
Douglas Hospital was founded in 1881 by Alfred Perry and a group of Protestant clergy and Montréal citizens.
Section : Research
Eduardo Chachamovich’s work focuses mainly on social and clinical determinants of mental health in Aboriginal populations.
Section : The Douglas
Camillo Zacchia is Senior advisor, Mental Health Education Office (MHEO) at the Douglas Institute.
Section : Research
N.P. Vasavan Nair, M.D., FRCPC, has contributed to the Douglas Institute in a variety of capacities.
Section : News
The Douglas Mental Health University Institute and McGill University are proud to announce that Dr. Malla and his team will be leading the ACCESS Canada project.
Section : News
Lynne McVey talks about mental health and litterature
Section : News
Researchers find new genetic pathway behind neurodevelopmental disorders
Section : News
Brain Bank > Bell Canada donates $2 million to upgrade and expand Douglas Institute Brain Bank