Section : Mental Health Info
Causes and treatments of psychosis, a syndrome associated with a variety of mental, behavioural and emotional problems.
Section : Mental Health Info
Depression is more than just a fleeting emotion. This illness hampers a person's daily functioning, negatively impacting their physical health. However, in most cases depression is treatable.
Section : Mental Health Info
Zootherapy, or assisted pet therapy, may be used as a therapeutic tool for people suffering from different illnesses, young and old.
Section : The Douglas
Research at the Eating Disorders Program addresses various aspects of the phenomenology, etiology, and treatment of eating disorders in the spectrum of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
Section : Patient care
The Clinic for Assessment of Youth at Risk (CAYR) is a sub-program of PEPP-Montréal and accepts youth between 14 and 30 years of age who have never experienced a psychotic episode but who show signs of increased risk for developing psychosis.
Section : Patient care
Treating psychosis involves education, counselling, medication, close monitoring of symptoms, stress management, and a strong, supportive environment.
Section : Patient care
The Prevention and Early Intervention Program for Psychosis (PEPP-Montréal) is a program for young people who are experiencing an untreated first episode of psychosis.
Section : Patient care
The Psychotic Disorders Program at the Douglas Institute provides services to adults aged 18 to 65 with schizophrenia or other forms of psychoses, with the exception of the Prevention and Early Intervention Program for Psychoses (PEPP-Montréal), which is designed for people aged 14 to 30.
Section : Patient care
The Bipolar Disorders Program is a superspecialized (third-line) consultation and treatment service for adults aged 18 to 65 who suffer from refractory bipolar disorders.
Section : Patient care
There are three external service points in the geriatric psychiatry program.