Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Vieillissement et maladie d'Alzheimer


Khachaturian Z. S., Petersen R. C., Gauthier S., Buckholtz N., Corey-Bloom J. P., Evans B., Fillit H., Foster N., Greenberg B., Grundman M., Sano M., Simpkins J., Schneider L. S., Weiner M. W., Galasko D., Hyman B., Kuller L., Schenk D., Snyder S., Thomas R. G., Tuszynski M. H., Vellas B., Wurtman R. J., Snyder P. J., Frank R. A., Albert M., Doody R., Ferris S., Kaye J., Koo E., Morrison-Bogorad M., Reisberg B., Salmon D. P., Gilman S., Mohs R., Aisen P. S., Breitner J. C., Cummings J. L., Kawas C., Phelps C., Poirier J., Sabbagh M., Touchon J., Khachaturian A. S., Bain L. J. (2008). A roadmap for the prevention of dementia: the inaugural Leon Thal Symposium, Alzheimers Dement, 4(3), 156-63.

Krantic S., Quirion R. (2008). Polyphenols as potential inhibitors of amyloid aggregation and toxicity: possible significance to Alzheimer's disease, Mini Rev Med Chem, 8(5), 429-35.

Leduc V., Poirier J. (2008). Polymorphisms at the paraoxonase 1 L55M and Q192R loci affect the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease: emphasis on the cholinergic system and beta-amyloid levels, Neurodegener Dis, 5(3-4), 225-7.

Leh S. E., Chakravarty M., Ptito A. (2008). The connectivity of the human pulvinar: a diffusion tensor imaging tractography study, Int J Biomed Imaging, 2008, 789539. En savoir plus.

Lerch J. P., Pruessner J., Zijdenbos A. P., Collins D. L., Teipel S. J., Hampel H., Evans A. C. (2008). Automated cortical thickness measurements from MRI can accurately separate Alzheimer's patients from normal elderly controls, Neurobiol Aging, 29(1), 23-30.

Li H., Wetten S., Li L., St Jean P. L., Upmanyu R., Surh L., Hosford D., Barnes M. R., Briley J. D., Borrie M., Coletta N., Delisle R., Dhalla D., Ehm M. G., Feldman H. H., Fornazzari L., Gauthier S., Goodgame N., Guzman D., Hammond S., Hollingworth P., Hsiung G. Y., Johnson J., Kelly D. D., Keren R., Kertesz A., King S., Lovestone S., Loy-English I., Matthews P. M., Owen M. J., Plumpton M., Pryse-Phillips W., Prinjha R. K., Richardson J. C., Saunders A., Slater A. J., St George-Hyslop P. H., Stinnett S. W., Swartz J. E., Taylor R. L., Wherrett J., Williams S., Yarnall D. P., Gibson R. A., Irizarry M. C., Middleton L. T., Roses A. D. (2008). Candidate single-nucleotide polymorphisms from a genomewide association study of Alzheimer disease, Arch Neurol, 65(1), 45-53.

Lord C., Buss C., Lupien S. J., Pruessner J. (2008). Hippocampal volumes are larger in postmenopausal women using estrogen therapy compared to past users, never users and men: a possible window of opportunity effect, Neurobiol Aging, 29(1), 95-101.

Loucks E. B., Juster R. P., Pruessner J. (2008). Neuroendocrine biomarkers, allostatic load, and the challenge of measurement: A commentary on Gersten, Soc Sci Med, 66(3), 525-30.

Lowe G. C., Luheshi G., Williams S. (2008). Maternal infection and fever during late gestation are associated with altered synaptic transmission in the hippocampus of juvenile offspring rats, Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 295(5), R1563-71.

Ma W., Chabot J. G., Vercauteren F., Quirion R. (2008). Injured nerve-derived COX2/PGE2 contributes to the maintenance of neuropathic pain in aged rats, Neurobiol Aging.

Ma W., Quirion R. (2008). Does COX2-dependent PGE2 play a role in neuropathic pain?, Neurosci Lett, 437(3), 165-9.

Manseau F., Goutagny R., Danik M., Williams S. (2008). The hippocamposeptal pathway generates rhythmic firing of GABAergic neurons in the medial septum and diagonal bands: an investigation using a complete septohippocampal preparation in vitro, J Neurosci, 28(15), 4096-107.

Mendez J. A., Bourque M. J., Dal Bo G., Bourdeau M. L., Danik M., Williams S., Lacaille J. C., Trudeau L. E. (2008). Developmental and target-dependent regulation of vesicular glutamate transporter expression by dopamine neurons, J Neurosci, 28(25), 6309-18.

Morales-Medina J. C., Mejorada A., Romero-Curiel A., Aguilar-Alonso P., Leon-Chavez B. A., Gamboa C., Quirion R., Flores C. (2008). Neonatal administration of N-omega-nitro-l-arginine induces permanent decrease in NO levels and hyperresponsiveness to locomotor activity by d-amphetamine in postpubertal rats, Neuropharmacology.

Moutsimilli L., Farley S., El Khoury M. A., Chamot C., Sibarita J. B., Racine V., El Mestikawy S., Mathieu F., Dumas S., Giros B., Tzavara E. T. (2008). Antipsychotics increase vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (VGLUT2) expression in thalamolimbic pathways, Neuropharmacology, 54(3), 497-508.

Nicolakakis N., Aboulkassim T., Ongali B., Lecrux C., Fernandes P., Rosa-Neto P., Tong X. K., Hamel E. (2008). Complete rescue of cerebrovascular function in aged Alzheimer's disease transgenic mice by antioxidants and pioglitazone, a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonist, J Neurosci, 28(37), 9287-96.

Owji A. A., Chabot J. G., Dumont Y., Quirion R. (2008). Adrenomedullin-2/intermedin induces cAMP accumulation in dissociated rat spinal cord cells: evidence for the existence of a distinct class of sites of action, J Mol Neurosci, 35(3), 355-61.

Parra L. A., Baust T. B., El Mestikawy S., Quiroz M., Hoffman B., Haflett J. M., Yao J. K., Torres G. E. (2008). The Orphan Transporter Rxt1/NTT4 (SLC6A17) Functions as a Synaptic Vesicle Amino Acid Vesicular Transporter Selective for Proline, Glycine, Leucine, and Alanine, Mol Pharmacol.

Peters K. R., Rockwood K., Black S. E., Hogan D. B., Gauthier S., Loy-English I., Hsiung G. Y., Jacova C., Kertesz A., Feldman H. H. (2008). Neuropsychiatric symptom clusters and functional disability in cognitively-impaired-not-demented individuals, Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, 16(2), 136-44.

Piton A., Michaud J. L., Peng H., Aradhya S., Gauthier S., Mottron L., Champagne N., Lafreniere R. G., Hamdan F. F., Joober R., Fombonne E., Marineau C., Cossette P., Dube M. P., Haghighi P., Drapeau P., Barker P. A., Carbonetto S., Rouleau G. A. (2008). Mutations in the calcium-related gene IL1RAPL1 are associated with autism, Hum Mol Genet.

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