Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Vieillissement et maladie d'Alzheimer


Forlini C., Gauthier S., Racine E. (2013). Should physicians prescribe cognitive enhancers to healthy individuals?, CMAJ, 185(12), 1047-50. En savoir plus.

Gangarossa G., Espallergues J., de Kerchove d'Exaerde A., El Mestikawy S., Gerfen C. R., Herve D., Girault J. A., Valjent E. (2013). Distribution and compartmental organization of GABAergic medium-sized spiny neurons in the mouse nucleus accumbens, Front Neural Circuits, 7, 22. En savoir plus.

Gauthier S. (2013). Les traitements pharmacologiques actuels de la maladie d’Alzheimer et perspectives futures. Le défi de la maladie d’Alzheimer : Synergies franco-québécoises, , 89-92.

Gauthier S., Leuzy A., Racine E., Rosa-Neto P. (2013). Diagnosis and management of Alzheimer's disease: Past, present and future ethical issues, Prog Neurobiol. En savoir plus.

Gauthier S., Molinuevo J. L. (2013). Benefits of combined cholinesterase inhibitor and memantine treatment in moderate-severe Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimers Dement, 9(3), 326-31. En savoir plus.

Gauthier S., Robillard A., Cohen S., Black S., Sampalis J., Colizza D., de Takacsy F., Schecter R. (2013). Real-life effectiveness and tolerability of the rivastigmine transdermal patch in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease: the EMBRACE study, Curr Med Res Opin, 29(8), 989-1000. En savoir plus.

Gauthier S., Rosa-Neto P. (2013). Dementia: Disclosure of results to participants in dementia research, Nat Rev Neurol. En savoir plus.

Gerretsen P., Chakravarty M., Mamo D., Menon M., Pollock B. G., Rajji T. K., Graff-Guerrero A. (2013). Frontotemporoparietal asymmetry and lack of illness awareness in schizophrenia, Hum Brain Mapp, 34(5), 1035-43. En savoir plus.

Goutagny R., Gu N., Cavanagh C., Jackson J., Chabot J. G., Quirion R., Krantic S., Williams S. (2013). Alterations in hippocampal network oscillations and theta-gamma coupling arise before Abeta overproduction in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease, Eur J Neurosci, 37(12), 1896-902. En savoir plus.

Goutagny R., Loureiro M., Jackson J., Chaumont J., Williams S., Isope P., Kelche C., Cassel J. C., Lecourtier L. (2013). Interactions between the lateral habenula and the hippocampus: implication for spatial memory processes, Neuropsychopharmacology. En savoir plus.

Gu N., Jackson J., Goutagny R., Lowe G., Manseau F., Williams S. (2013). NMDA-dependent phase synchronization between septal and temporal CA3 hippocampal networks, J Neurosci, 33(19), 8276-87. En savoir plus.

Heim C. M., Mayberg H. S., Mletzko T., Nemeroff C. B., Pruessner J. (2013). Decreased cortical representation of genital somatosensory field after childhood sexual abuse, Am J Psychiatry, 170(6), 616-23. En savoir plus.

Hernaus D., Collip D., Lataster J., Ceccarini J., Kenis G., Booij L., Pruessner J., Van Laere K., van Winkel R., van Os J., Myin-Germeys I. (2013). COMT Val158Met genotype selectively alters prefrontal [18F]fallypride displacement and subjective feelings of stress in response to a psychosocial stress challenge, PLoS One, 8(6), e65662. En savoir plus.

Herrmann N., Gauthier S., Boneva N., Lemming O. M. (2013). A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of memantine in a behaviorally enriched sample of patients with moderate-to-severe Alzheimer's disease, Int Psychogeriatr, 25(6), 919-27. En savoir plus.

Holthoff V., Ferris S., Gauthier S., Ihl R., Robert P., Winblad B., Sternberg K., Tennigkeit F. (2013). Memantine effects measured with the Relevant Outcome Scale for Alzheimer's disease in an open-label, single-arm, multicenter clinical study, Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 28(2), 164-72. En savoir plus.

Hu S., Pruessner J., Coupe P., Collins D. L. (2013). Volumetric analysis of medial temporal lobe structures in brain development from childhood to adolescence, Neuroimage, 74C, 276-287. En savoir plus.

Ito M., Dumont Y., Quirion R. (2013). Mood and memory-associated behaviors in neuropeptide Y(5) knockout mice, Neuropeptides, 47(2), 75-84. En savoir plus.

Jego S., Adamantidis A. (2013). MCH neurons: vigilant workers in the night, Sleep, 36(12), 1783-6. En savoir plus.

Jego S., Glasgow S. D., Herrera C. G., Ekstrand M., Reed S. J., Boyce R., Friedman J., Burdakov D., Adamantidis A. (2013). Optogenetic identification of a rapid eye movement sleep modulatory circuit in the hypothalamus, Nat Neurosci, 16(11), 1637-43. En savoir plus.

Jiang J., Wang D., Zhou X., Huo Y., Chen T., Hu F., Quirion R., Hong Y. (2013). Effect of Mas-related gene (Mrg) receptors on hyperalgesia in rats with CFA-induced inflammation via direct and indirect mechanisms, British journal of pharmacology, 170(5), 1027-40. En savoir plus.

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