Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Mood, Anxiety and Impulsivity-Related Disorders Research


McGirr A., Diaconu G., Berlim M., Turecki G. (2011). Personal and family history of suicidal behaviour is associated with lower peripheral cortisol in depressed outpatients, J Affect Disord, 131(1-3), 368-373. Find out more.

Mott C., Dumont G., Boivin D., Mollicone D. (2011). Model-based human circadian phase estimation using a particle filter, IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 58(5), 1325-1336. Find out more.

Munoz-Torres Z., Armony J., Trejo-Martinez D., Conde R., Corsi-Cabrera M. (2011). Behavioural and neural effects of diazepam on a rule-guided response selection task, Neuroscience research, 70(3), 260-8. Find out more.

Murray G., Lam R.W., Beaulieu S., Sharma V., Cervantes P., Parikh S.V., Yatham L.N. (2011). Do symptoms of bipolar disorder exhibit seasonal variation? A multisite prospective investigation, Bipolar Disord, 13(7-8), 687-695. Find out more.

Naef L., Moquin L., Dal Bo G., Giros B., Gratton A., Walker C. (2011). Maternal high-fat intake alters presynaptic regulation of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens and increases motivation for fat rewards in the offspring, Neuroscience, 176, 225-236. Find out more.

Near J., Simpson R., Cowen P., Jezzard P. (2011). Efficient gamma-aminobutyric acid editing at 3T without macromolecule contamination: MEGA-SPECIAL, NMR Biomed, 24(10), 1277-85. Find out more.

Nozaki C., Vergnano A. M., Filliol D., Ouagazzal A. M., Le Goff A., Carvalho S., Reiss D., Gaveriaux-Ruff C., Neyton J., Paoletti P., Kieffer B. (2011). Zinc alleviates pain through high-affinity binding to the NMDA receptor NR2A subunit, Nat Neurosci, 14(8), 1017-22. Find out more.

Ostiguy C. S., Ellenbogen M. A., Walker C., Walker E. F., Hodgins S. (2011). Sensitivity to stress among the offspring of parents with bipolar disorder: a study of daytime cortisol levels, Psychol Med, 41(11), 2447-57. Find out more.

Ouimet M. C., Duffy C., Simons-Morton B., Brown T., Fisher D. (2011). Understanding and changing the young driver problem: a review of the randomized: controlled trials conducted with driving simulation . In D.L. Fisher; M. Rizzo; J.K. Caird; J.D. Lee (Ed.) , Handbook of Driving Simulation for Engineering, Medicine and Psychology , Handbook of Driving Simulation for Engineering, Medicine and Psychology . New York: CRC Press.

Patten S, Grigoriadis S., Beaulieu S. (2011). Clinical effectiveness, construct and assessment, J Affect Disord, 132 Suppl 1, S3-8. Find out more.

Poole D. P., Pelayo J. C., Scherrer G., Evans C. J., Kieffer B., Bunnett N. W. (2011). Localization and regulation of fluorescently labeled delta opioid receptor, expressed in enteric neurons of mice, Gastroenterology, 141(3), 982-991 e1-8. Find out more.

Pradhan A. A., Befort K., Nozaki C., Gaveriaux-Ruff C., Kieffer B. (2011). The delta opioid receptor: an evolving target for the treatment of brain disorders, Trends Pharmacol Sci, 32(10), 581-90. Find out more.

Rummel C., Matsumura K., Luheshi G. (2011). Circulating IL-6 contributes to peripheral LPS-induced mPGES-1 expression in the rat brain, Brain Res Bull.

Setiawan E., Pihl R. O., Cox S. M., Gianoulakis C., Palmour R. M., Benkelfat C., Leyton M. (2011). The effect of naltrexone on alcohol's stimulant properties and self-administration behavior in social drinkers: influence of gender and genotype, Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research, 35(6), 1134-41. Find out more.

Shechter A., Boudreau P., Varin F., Boivin D. (2011). Predominance of Distal Skin Temperature Changes at Sleep Onset across Menstrual and Circadian Phases, J Biol Rhythms, 26(3), 260-270. Find out more.

St-Jacques B., Ma W. (2011). Role of prostaglandin E2 in the synthesis of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 in primary sensory neurons: an in vivo and in vitro study, J Neurochem, 118(5), 841-854. Find out more.

St-Yves M., Baroche C., Renaud J. (2011). Troubles de la personnalité et intervention de crise , Psychologie de l’intervention policière en situation de crise , Psychologie de l’intervention policière en situation de crise (pp. 601). Montréal: Editions Yvon Blais.

Stagg C. J., Bestmann S., Constantinescu A. O., Moreno L. M., Allman C., Mekle R., Woolrich M., Near J., Johansen-Berg H., Rothwell J. C. (2011). Relationship between physiological measures of excitability and levels of glutamate and GABA in the human motor cortex, J Physiol, 589(Pt 23), 5845-55. Find out more.

Steiger H., Bruce K.R., Gauvin L., Groleau P., Joober R., Israël M., Richardson J., Ying Kin N. (2011). Contributions of the glucocorticoid receptor polymorphism (Bcl1) and childhood abuse to risk of bulimia nervosa, Psychiatry Res, 187(1-2), 193-197. Find out more.

Steiger H., Bruce K.R., Groleau P. (2011). Neural circuits, neurotransmitters, and behavior : serotonin and temperament in bulimic syndromes, Curr Top Behav Neurosci, 6, 125-138. Find out more.

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