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Schizophrenia and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research


Montreuil T.C., Cassidy C.M., Rabinovitch M., Pawliuk N., Schmitz N., Joober R., Malla A. (2012). Case Manager- and Patient-Rated Alliance as a Predictor of Medication Adherence in First-Episode Psychosis, J Clin Psychopharmacol, 32(4), 465-9. Find out more.

Nouel D., Burt M., Zhang Y., Harvey L., Boksa P. (2012). Prenatal exposure to bacterial endotoxin reduces the number of GAD67- and reelin-immunoreactive neurons in the hippocampus of rat offspring, Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 22(4), 300-307. Find out more.

O'Sullivan M., Lepage M., Bouras M., Montreuil T., Brodeur M. B. (2012). North-American norms for name disagreement: pictorial stimuli naming discrepancies, PLoS One, 7(10), e47802. Find out more.

O'Sullivan M., Lepage M., Bouras M., Montreuil T., Brodeur M. (2012). North-American norms for name disagreement: pictorial stimuli naming discrepancies, PLoS One, 7(10), e47802. Find out more.

Oualkacha K., Labbe A., Ciampi A., Roy M. A., Maziade M. (2012). Principal components of heritability for high dimension quantitative traits and general pedigrees, Stat Appl Genet Mol Biol, 11(2). Find out more.

Pan H., Chen L., Dogra S., Teh A. L., Tan J. H., Lim Y. I., Lim Y. C., Jin S., Lee Y. K., Ng P. Y., Ong M. L., Barton S., Chong Y. S., Meaney M., Gluckman P. D., Stunkel W., Ding C., Holbrook J. D. (2012). Measuring the methylome in clinical samples: improved processing of the Infinium Human Methylation450 BeadChip Array, Epigenetics, 7(10), 1173-87. Find out more.

Phua D. Y., Rifkin-Graboi A., Saw S. M., Meaney M., Qiu A. (2012). Executive functions of six-year-old boys with normal birth weight and gestational age, PLoS One, 7(4), e36502. Find out more.

Qiu A., Rifkin-Graboi A., Tuan T. A., Zhong J., Meaney M. (2012). Inattention and hyperactivity predict alterations in specific neural circuits among 6-year-old boys, J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 51(6), 632-41. Find out more.

Qiu A., Rifkin-Graboi A., Zhong J., Phua D. Y., Lai Y. K., Meaney M. (2012). Birth weight and gestation influence striatal morphology and motor response in normal six-year-old boys, NeuroImage, 59(2), 1065-70. Find out more.

Renoult L., Wang X., Calcagno V., Prevost M., Debruille J. (2012). From N400 to N300: Variations in the timing of semantic processing with repetition, Neuroimage, 61(1), 206-15. Find out more.

Renoult L., Wang X., Mortimer J., Debruille J. (2012). Explicit semantic tasks are necessary to study semantic priming effects with high rates of repetition, Clin Neurophysiol, 123(4), 741-754. Find out more.

Scott-Boyer M. P., Imholte G. C., Tayeb A., Labbe A., Deschepper C. F., Gottardo R. (2012). An integrated hierarchical Bayesian model for multivariate eQTL mapping, Stat Appl Genet Mol Biol, 11(4). Find out more.

Sengupta S. M., Grizenko N., Thakur G. A., Bellingham J., DeGuzman R., Robinson S., TerStepanian M., Poloskia A., Shaheen S. M., Fortier M. E., Choudhry Z., Joober R. (2012). Differential association between the norepinephrine transporter gene and ADHD: role of sex and subtype, J Psychiatry Neurosci, 37(2), 129-37. Find out more.

Silveira P. P., Agranonik M., Faras H., Portella A. K., Meaney M., Levitan R. D. (2012). Preliminary evidence for an impulsivity-based thrifty eating phenotype, Pediatr Res, 71(3), 293-8. Find out more.

Song W., Zukor H., Lin S. H., Hascalovici J., Liberman A., Tavitian A., Mui J., Vali H., Tong X.K., Bhardwaj S.K., Srivastava L., Hamel E., Schipper H.M. (2012). Schizophrenia-Like Features in Transgenic Mice Overexpressing Human HO-1 in the Astrocytic Compartment, J Neurosci, 32(32), 10841-10853. Find out more.

Steger K. A., Cassidy C., Rabinovitch M., Joober R., Malla A. (2012). Impact of symptom resolution on medication adherence in first episode psychosis, Psychiatry Res, 196(1), 45-51. Find out more.

Steiger H., Gauvin L., Joober R., Israël M., Badawi G., Groleau P., Bruce K.R., Ying Kin N., Sycz L., Ouelette A.S. (2012). Interaction of the BcII glucocorticoid receptor polymorphism and childhood abuse in bulimia nervosa (BN): Relationship to BN and to associated trait manifestations, J Psychiatr Res, 46(2), 152-158. Find out more.

Stunkel W., Pan H., Chew S. B., Tng E., Tan J. H., Chen L., Joseph R., Cheong C. Y., Ong M. L., Lee Y. S., Chong Y. S., Saw S. M., Meaney M., Kwek K., Sheppard A. M., Gluckman P. D., Holbrook J. D. (2012). Transcriptome changes affecting Hedgehog and cytokine signalling in the umbilical cord: implications for disease risk, PLoS One, 7(7), e39744. Find out more.

Suderman M., McGowan P. O., Sasaki A., Huang T. C., Hallett M. T., Meaney M., Turecki G., Szyf M. (2012). Conserved epigenetic sensitivity to early life experience in the rat and human hippocampus, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 109 Suppl 2, 17266-72. Find out more.

Thakur G. A., Sengupta S. M., Grizenko N., Choudhry Z., Joober R. (2012). Family-based association study of ADHD and genes increasing the risk for smoking behaviours, Arch Dis Child, 97(12), 1027-33. Find out more.

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