Let’s talk with experts from the Douglas 2013-02-15
As Bell Let’ talk was on this week, the Douglas Institute expertise was in the limelight with our top people. You can watch and read the news report and interviews online. Mimi Israël interv...

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Prevention and access to care: Priorities for the Douglas 2013-02-14
On February 2, Le Devoir published a number of articles on the Douglas Institute. This series included an interview with Lynne McVey, who took stock of her first year as Executive Director and who...

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Snowshoers and cross-country skiers take a break at the Douglas 2013-02-13
Last Sunday, forty people trekked across the snowy two and a half kilometres between Parc Angrignon and the St. Lawrence River via the Douglas campus. On the way back, the athletes stopped at the D...

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The Douglas partners with Metropolis Blue to produce literary activities that combat the stigma associated with mental health 2013-01-31
Douglas Institute and the Blue Metropolis Foundation join forces to offer those who love literature an entirely new programme of literary events and activities on the theme of mental health, both o...

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The Young Ambassadors enjoy a successful first fund-raising event 2013-01-25
Over 100 people defied the frigid cold on Thursday night to take part in MentaliTea, the very first fund-raising event organized by the Young Ambassadors of the Douglas Institute Foundation. The so...

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In memoria: Joyce Boillat, MD 2013-01-24
We regret to announce the passing of Joyce Boillat, MD, on January 20, at the age of 85. Dr. Boillat, family doctor and theologian, left the Douglas in September 1993 after a career that spanned a...

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A Douglas blog chosen as a top French-language science blog 2013-01-16
Nurse clinician Liette Desjardins was recently honoured by Agence Science Presse, which selected her blog “Soigner entre les lignes” as a top French-language science blog. Her post entitled “One mo...

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Douglas researchers draw a portrait of mental health in southwest Montreal 2013-01-11
Since 2007, nearly 2500 residents in Montreal's southwest area have been involved in a study on mental health and quality of life. Jean Caron, a researcher at the Douglas Institute and director of ...

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Impaired melatonin secretion may play a role in premenstrual syndrome 2012-12-19
A new study by Douglas Institute researchers shows altered body rhythms of the hormone melatonin in Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) women with insomnia. This finding may help explain some of...

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McGill's Faculty of Medicine wants to make mental health a key priority 2012-12-17
The Dean talks about the importance of these issues at the Douglas annual general meeting
David Eidelman, MD, CM, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University, underscored the importance of mental health for the Faculty of Medicine's 2013 strategic orientations. During a speech...

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