Third season of the Douglas Institute's Mini-Psych School 2008-09-09
Mental Health: History, Current Challenges and Future Prospects
The Douglas Mental Health University Institute is pleased to announce its program for the 2008 Mini-Psych School. This third edition will spark the interest of anyone wanting to learn more about th...

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The Institute that planted trees 2008-09-01
You may have noticed the new trees that have been added to the existing landscaping on the Douglas grounds. In all, 45 trees of varying species have been planted at the campus not only to improve t...

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Eating Disorders : a constant battle (in French) 2008-08-27
Two nutritionists from Douglas wrote to La Presse to denounce the new Simons Fall Catalog which showcases ultra thin models. Anick Leclerc et Francine Duquette sont toutes deux diététistes nutriti...

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More education needed to dispel myths about mental illness 2008-08-18
Douglas Institute reacts to data from the 2008 National Report Card on Health Care from the Canadian Medical Association (CMA). Mimi Israël, MD, Psychiatrist-in-Chief at the Douglas Mental Healt...

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The Therapeutic Nursing Plan: a priceless tool 2008-08-14
A major improvement in the way nurses record and access patient information is about to be introduced at the Douglas. Called the Therapeutic Nursing Plan (TNP), it will save precious time for nursi...

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Ice Storm Babies: Where are they now? 2008-08-13
Douglas’ researchers assess their development at 5 ½ years of age
Long after houses and roads have been rebuilt following natural disasters such as tsunamis and hurricanes, there are human health implications to take into account according to researchers at the ...

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Informing our Patients about the reform : a priority 2008-08-12
The current reorganization of mental health services is no small affair. It brings sweeping changes to Quebec’s healthcare system and will affect each and every one of us. At the Douglas, it partic...

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From Innovations to Practice: Bringing Recovery to Douglas Institute 2008-08-12
“Incredibly inspiring” was the way 15 Psychotic Disorders Program staff described their recent trip to Boston for the April 14–15 conference “From Innovations to Practice: The Promise and Challenge...

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Luz Garcia Zielinski: art as a medium for change 2008-07-29
Focus on Strengths Luz Garcia Zielinski, who was the rehabilitation assistant for the Wellington Centre's Card Workshop from June 2007 to May 2008, spent an amazing year nurturing the talent that ...

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Early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease 2008-07-22
New criteria ready to be validated
A new step forward is in the works for the new research program implemented at the beginning of the year at the Douglas Mental Health Institute that is aimed at the early detection of Alzheimer’s d...

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