December 06, 2012
Section : News

Researchers find new genetic pathway behind neurodevelopmental disorders

October 15, 2012
Section : News

Thirty minutes more sleep makes for “cooler-headed” children

October 09, 2012
Section : News

Researchers find a small region in the genome that plays a role in the development of psychiatric disease and obesity.

August 06, 2012
Section : News

Effects of child abuse  > Researchers are exploring the effects of child abuse on the brain and on suicidal tendency.

July 16, 2012
Section : News

For the love of youth and life >  Discover the Intensive Intervention Program (IIP) team members

February 14, 2012
Section : News

Michael Meaney, neuroscientist at the Douglas Institute, receives the Order of Canada

January 30, 2012
Section : News

Prenatal maternal stress > New data will lead to a better understanding of its impact on mothers-to-be and their fetuses

January 13, 2012
Section : News

The Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START) clinical guide has been revamped. The new version clarifies a number of assessment criteria, such as the client’s mental state, emotional state and treatability. The update also inclu

July 05, 2011
Section : News

Criminal responsability > Being found not criminally responsible on account of a mental disorder does not mean escaping justice

May 12, 2011
Section : News

Mind the Body > The goal is to encourage people with mental health problems, who frequently have issues with their weight, to be more active.