Section : News
A Clear 2005-2010 Action Plan for Mental Health in Quebec.
Section : News
Anorexia and bulimia: new services and new facility at the Douglas Hospital in Verdun
December 07, 2014
Section : Social Media
When I first mentioned writing for the Douglas Blogs, a few friends of mine asked me why, so I thought I’d explain in my first post. I’ve always believed the popularization of science for the benefit of the general public is one of the highest obligations of anyone who works in a scientific field. Although making complex concepts digestible by the public isn’t always easy, it’s absolutely essential to fully realizing the benefits of these discoveries. Here are seven reasons why I believe that...
Section : The Douglas
What is transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)?
Section : The Douglas
What is repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)?
Section : The Douglas
How are mental health care and services organized in Centres de santé et de services sociaux?
Section : The Douglas
I live in a region from which it is impossible for me to go to Montreal to benefit from the Eating Disorders Program. What can I do?
Section : The Douglas
What services are offered to clients?
Section : The Douglas
Who benefits from an ACT team?
Section : Mental Health Info
Can people living outside of Montreal use the services of PEPP-Montréal?The reason that we restrict it to Montreal is that the philosophy of the program is to see patients in the community and engage patients wherever we can engage them. For example,