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Douglas Institute research and initiatives highlight the importance of love on mental health
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The arrival of a state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner marks an important step in the construction of the future Brain Imaging Centre at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute.
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Douglas Institute for the second time at Festival Eurêka!, June 11 to 13, 2010.
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Maryse Gagnon, an engaged journalist, adresses taboos in a sensitive and respectful way.
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Launch of the construction work of the brain imaging centre.
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The mysteries surrounding the brain will be uncovered during Brain Awareness Week 2010.
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Michael Meaney, Moshe Szyf and Gustavo Turecki honoured for their work in epigenetics.
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Researchers at the Douglas redefine the role of a region of the brain associated with organizing memory.
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Did you know? The philanthropy of our employees is essential to the Douglas’ mission. Your gifts represent one third of all individual donations raised by the Foundation. As Douglas employees, you are part of the Douglas Family. Your
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The Foundation supports 33 researchers, nearly half of the 67 researchers working at the Douglas. In 2008–2009, members of the Research Centre published 215 scientific papers, book chapters and books documenting scientific breakthroughs and ther