September 07, 2011
Section : Mental Health Info

If depression is partly due to brain chemistry, do people need to take medication their entire lives?

August 19, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

What are the best ways to help a person cope with their symptoms?

August 16, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

Who is the ideal person to consult when accompanying someone with periodic bouts of depression?

August 16, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

Once you are diagnosed with clinical depression, are you more at risk for a lifelong illness and long-term management?

August 09, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

Is it true that mindfulness-meditation has been used as a therapy for bipolar disorder?

July 09, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

What are the new forms of psychotherapy for psychotic patients?

March 21, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

Could someone who is depressed heal over time on their own?

March 21, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

Aside from helping with disorders, does cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) help improve creativity?  

February 09, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

I'm Kate, 31 and relieved to be able to say that today I am in recovery from anorexia. Recovery to me has been a long, painful process involving therapy, hospitalisations and learning to change my anorexic thoughts and behaviour patterns, primarily through Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Cognitive Analytical Therapy.

June 29, 2017
Section : Social Media

Pouvons-nous créer un monde dans lequel les femmes et les jeunes filles sont libérées des standards destructifs de l’apparence? Cet événement est organisé conjointement par le Continuum des troubles de l’alimentation de l’Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas, une installation du Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, et Anorexie et boulimie (ANEB) Québec. Résumé de la conférence : Cette conférence explore les dommages que cau...