Section : News
Rain Man to launch the 2005 Frames of Mind series.
Section : News
Frames of Mind: Douglas Hospital hosts movie series to help demystify mental illnes.
Section : News
Musings from the mind: experts at the Douglas Institut address mental health issues.
Section : News
Assisting Guatemala in the area of mental health.
Section : News
After Basic Needs are Met: Psychological Help Vital for 2004 Tsunami Survivors
Section : News
Shortage of brains - Brain donation is essential to research in schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s Disease and multiple sclerosis.
December 07, 2014
Section : Social Media
Those of you non-scientific types out there probably don’t know this (and maybe you don’t care, either), but Santa Claus is an enigma to the scientific community interested in determining the causes of behavior. Actually, to borrow a more eloquent quote from Churchill, Santa is a “riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.” I [...]
Section : The Douglas
Will the park remain open during the construction?
Section : The Douglas
What will happen to the existing buildings?
Section : The Douglas
Is renovating the existing pavilions really not possible?