Section : News
“The only time I feel alive is when I’m painting,” said Vincent van Gogh. This sentiment is one that the Douglas Hospital is hoping to convey by the addition of three new structures to its Sculpture Garden. These works of art,
Section : News
Guest musician Luc de Larochellière sings in tribute to Douglas achievements Montréal, June 9, 2006 – An open house, mental health educational activities, giant inflatable games for children -these are only a few of the surpris
Section : News
Montréal, April 24, 2006 – What do Shrek and Mozart have in common? They’re both starring in Frames of Mind, a Douglas Hospital movie series created to help demystify mental illness. In honor of Mental Health Week (May 1-7, 2006) an
Section : News
Open Letter to Borough of Verdun and City of Montréal Elected Officials
Section : News
Anxiety Disorders Explained at the 2005 "Frames of Mind" series.
Section : News
Rain Man to launch the 2005 Frames of Mind series.
December 07, 2014
Section : Social Media
A recent editorial by Dr. Royce Murray, editor of the journal Analytical Chemistry, has garnered significant attention in its attacks on informal dissemination of scientific information to the general public. Given the topics I've written about previously, I thought it merited a response here.
December 07, 2014
Section : Social Media
When I first mentioned writing for the Douglas Blogs, a few friends of mine asked me why, so I thought I’d explain in my first post. I’ve always believed the popularization of science for the benefit of the general public is one of the highest obligations of anyone who works in a scientific field. Although making complex concepts digestible by the public isn’t always easy, it’s absolutely essential to fully realizing the benefits of these discoveries. Here are seven reasons why I believe that...
Section : The Douglas
How long should ACT services be provided to a client?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is ADHD becoming more and more frequent in children?