Section : News
A Douglas Treasure The most modest of persons, always ready to share her time and talents, Administrative Agent Joan Besner is a true Douglas treasure. Grew Over Time Joan's dedication to the Douglas grew over time, "When I started at the Douglas in the early seventies, I did my job to t[...]
Section : News
Pavillon des Pins: Agreement Reached Between the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse and the Douglas
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Douglas experts call Montreal fashion industry to action
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Mental illnesses can be treated - The Douglas launches major awareness campaign
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A family view of schizophrenia: Out of the Shadow launches Douglas' movie series
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Brain donation: Key to mental illness diagnosis and treatment
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Frames of Mind: Douglas launches fourth edition of mental health movie nights
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Douglas team educates children about good bedtime habits.
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Gilbert started his Douglas career as a beneficiary assistant in 1985. When the ACT team was formed in 1997, Gilbert stepped up as an enthusiastic recruit.
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Douglas hosts two-day conference: Fighting the stigma of mental illness.