Section : Patient care
Treating psychosis involves education, counselling, medication, close monitoring of symptoms, stress management, and a strong, supportive environment.
Section : News
News and events of the Montréal West Island Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre, which includes the following institutions: the West Island Health and Social Services Centre the Centre de la santé et de services sociaux
Section : News
On tuesday night, march 24th, the homeless street count I COUNT MTL 2015 sent out 800 volunteers accompanied by team leaders through the streets of Montreal.
Section : News
The 5/30 Challenge is as popular as ever. Once again this year, the Douglas Institute is one of the organizations supporting the Challenge.
Section : News
The Douglas partners with Metropolis Blue to produce literary activities that combat the stigma associated with mental health
Section : News
Fifth text of the series "Papa, mama, the maid and I," a collection written by Luc Gagnon to his father suffering from Alzheimer's Disease.
Section : News
Silent Majority. Isolation. Stigma. Suffering in Silence. Loss of Freedom. The fear of the unknown or of being judged can sometimes be a barrier to counselling. Education is therefore critical to improving our understanding, shaping mental health po
Section : News
Your Generosity Helped Build a Youth Information Centre.
Section : News
A study conducted at Hôpital Louis-H Lafontaine's Fernand-Seguin Research Centre and at the McGill University Health Centre has revealed that 14% of Dawson College students and staff turned to the Internet for psychological support following the
Section : News
Mental health experts from around the world go from "on-line" to "in person" in Montreal!