December 06, 2012
Section : News

Researchers find new genetic pathway behind neurodevelopmental disorders

October 18, 2012
Section : News

The Conseil québécois d’agrément (CQA) awarded the Douglas Institute with Milieu Novateur certification.

September 20, 2011
Section : News

Alzheimer's Disease >  The first prevention study of its kind in the world, would like to recruit 500 healthy, at-risk adults.

March 18, 2011
Section : News

"Bilingual" neurons may reveal the secrets of brain disease

March 11, 2011
Section : News

Sleep deprivation in youth > More attention needs to be dedicated to the health issues involved.

February 22, 2011
Section : News

Sixth text of the series "Papa, mama, the maid and I," a collection written by Luc Gagnon to his father suffering from Alzheimer's Disease.

February 08, 2011
Section : News

This is the fourth text of the series "Papa, mama, the maid and I," a collection written by Luc Gagnon to his father suffering from Alzheimer's Disease.

January 31, 2011
Section : News

This is the third text of the series "Papa, mama, the maid and I," a collection written by Luc Gagnon to his father suffering from Alzheimer's Disease.

January 17, 2011
Section : News

"Papa, mama, the maid and I," is a collection of texts written by Luc Gagnon for his father who has Alzheimer's. The series is published during the Alzheimer Awareness Month and over the next few weeks.

December 15, 2010
Section : News

Better to keep sleep disruptions to a minimum for kids over the holiday