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Researchers find new genetic pathway behind neurodevelopmental disorders
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The Conseil québécois d’agrément (CQA) awarded the Douglas Institute with Milieu Novateur certification.
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Alzheimer's Disease > The first prevention study of its kind in the world, would like to recruit 500 healthy, at-risk adults.
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"Bilingual" neurons may reveal the secrets of brain disease
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Sleep deprivation in youth > More attention needs to be dedicated to the health issues involved.
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Sixth text of the series "Papa, mama, the maid and I," a collection written by Luc Gagnon to his father suffering from Alzheimer's Disease.
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This is the fourth text of the series "Papa, mama, the maid and I," a collection written by Luc Gagnon to his father suffering from Alzheimer's Disease.
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This is the third text of the series "Papa, mama, the maid and I," a collection written by Luc Gagnon to his father suffering from Alzheimer's Disease.
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"Papa, mama, the maid and I," is a collection of texts written by Luc Gagnon for his father who has Alzheimer's. The series is published during the Alzheimer Awareness Month and over the next few weeks.
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Better to keep sleep disruptions to a minimum for kids over the holiday