Section : Mental Health Info
At what age does the relationship between ADHD and borderline personality disorder appear?
Section : Mental Health Info
When can you determine that medications should be stopped because of side effects?
Section : Mental Health Info
Can someone develop ADHD or attention problems because of an inadequate environment, parental negligence, or understimulation during childhood?
Section : Mental Health Info
Why do doctors give stimulants to hyperactive people?
Section : Mental Health Info
Are sports beneficial for ADHD?
Section : Mental Health Info
Should people who are suspected of having ADHD and who are depressed be treated more for ADHD?
Section : Mental Health Info
Can an eight-year-old child with unmedicated ADHD have problems with insomnia?
Section : Mental Health Info
What are the long-term effects of Concerta and Ritalin, and how are doses reduced?
Section : Mental Health Info
Can ADHD be confused with the manic phase of bipolar disorder?
Section : Mental Health Info
Does eating sugar cause hyperactivity?